Just in case you missed it, the machines aren’t just about to take over, their takeover is almost complete. How could this happen? Well, we built them to do it. Then helped them at every turn. Because, you see, that was the plan all along. Ever since the first brainstorms of Russian Cosmists in the early 1900s, the idea was to build robots to do all the tedious, boring, or frustrating jobs while we focus on creative pursuits like art, science, and space exploration.
Okay, so if that was the plan, why are we not doing that? Because the plan was very quickly discarded by people is whose worldview, we must toil for the sake of toil, or we simply don’t deserve to exist. And thanks to them, we’re being dragged into a crisis of global proportions for very stupid and self-destructive reasons.
why fully automated luxury communism is our future, like it or not